Building a Brand to Speak to Seniors
SwiftCricket worked with backend developer Zero Four Media to help provide SeniorAdvice with a dynamic look and web site. As the designers and frontend developers, SwiftCricket was responsible for providing the brand look for SeniorAdvice. We created the logo and selected brand colors to set a clear, professional and friendly look that would take into account the needs and preferences of the target audience.

Web Design and Front End Development Emphasizing Usability
We designed the SeniorAdvice site to bring the search utility of the site to the forefront - emphasizing the useful search bar function and making it as clear and present as possible for the site user. With our focus on responsive web design, SwiftCricket designed the site to make sure that functionality would still be easily accessed from screens of all sizes. Then, we handled the front end development of the site to make sure that the live site would look and function in line with our design and vision for the brand.

Bringing More Visibility to the SeniorScore
The SeniorScore is a proprietary measurement that SeniorAdvice uses to help indicate the "senior-friendliness" of different communities based on a number of factors. This important indicator deserved design special treatment to draw the eye and help communicate that essential information to site users. As the front end developers of Senior Score, SwiftCricket designed an animation feature to use the information from the database to bring motion and different colors into the design based on the value of that score - providing a visual and easy to understand prominence to the SeniorScore.